gautama purushottamaputra
gautama purushottamaputra

Presently it is necessary that I write under a pseudonym. But I am not one bit more ordinary than any other threadbare average man. No greatness of character. No mentionable credentials. Except for just one distinctive detail. A long time ago, I realised that I was reading topical books and theological writings, rather than the Bible itself, to comprehend what the Bible had to say on any subject matter. So I set aside all; and studied exclusively the biblical scriptures, taking good advantage of the various concordances and dictionaries etc that were available to me. So from Genesis to Revelation and back to Genesis to Revelation and repeat.

I do not write on theological matters. I find that there is a huge discrepancy between theology and the scriptures. The Quran claims to confirm and to be a continuation of the biblical scriptures. My books reveal that the Quran is gnostic; that while insisting on the singularity of Allah, Muhammad identifies himself as co-equal to it; that Muhammad is bipolar and that he had a distorted time perception. My books and articles may not interest pupils of theology. But they will certainly hold captive any pupil addicted to the scriptures. I am not aware of any other work that deals with the above mentioned subject matter as analysed here.

gautama purushottamaputra

gautama purushottamaputra

Book Author